Gothic Girl

Coming Soon!


Elsbeth McAllaster was a normal girl from twelfth century Scotland. She was beautiful, smart, had many a suitor, and just as poor and destitute as the rest of her village. For Elsbeth, she thought she had all she could attain in those Gothic times.

Until she met Lord Durning. He became instantly enamored with Elsbeth and she found him so exciting, so handsome, and so alive with passion.

Except Lord Durning wasn’t alive. Not even close. He was one of the nobility that had chosen vampiric immortality over life.

Chosen as his bride, Eslbeth thought she would be forced to spend eternity with her vampire husband. Until the Witch of the Meadow came along and promised her release. A thousand year curse that would put her in an unbreakable sleep before her husband could turn her on their wedding night. Eslbeth prayed that when she awoke she’d be free of her forced marriage and her demon husband.

But when she comes to she finds she’s not in her beloved Scotland anymore, but is the centerpiece of a new exhibit at the Southern Ivy University natural history museum. She is billed as “Gothic Girl: Unexplained Preservation Techniques Of The Ancient Highlands”. Eslbeth decides to make the most of her situation, with the help of a terrified museum curator and a smitten young man trained in the witching arts. But when her fellow students start dropping dead around her, then come back to undead life, Elsbeth has a feeling her vampire husband hasn’t quite let her go.

How will a 12th century Gothic girl ever fit in 21st century college life? And how does one get a restraining order against a thousand-plus year old vampire that just won’t take a hint?

Gothic Girl is Liddie Mathers’s “paraerotiromantisatire”, a true send up of the genre that has taken the world by storm!